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Saturday, 25 October 2008

A few postcards from around the world

Wall Street, New York
Posted Brooklyn 1978

Jacaranda Trees, Pretoria
South Africa

Sunset in Hawaii
Posted 1976

Postcard from a Greek Museum

Ospedaletti - Panorama
Postcard by T A Patres - Foto Kodak

Friday, 24 October 2008

Old Postcards From Brussels

Le Palais de Justice et Monument a la memoire des Elves du Navaire Ecole belge de Smet de Nayer, coule dans le golfe de Gascogne, le 19 avril 1906

The Law Courts and momument to the Cadets of the Belgium Training Ship, The Smet de Nayer, sunk in the Bay of Biscay on 19th April 1906

Cour d'honneur de l'Hostel Dieu (angle sud)

Interieur du Beguinage - L'Entree

Tour du Beffroi, vu du Quai du Rosaire

Gand. Cathedrale Saint-Bavon

Anvers - Le Sleen - Cour avec Croix

Some old postcards from Germany

Sixtinische Madonna
Approx 1930s

Grus aus Andernach
Real Photograph Postcard

Dierick Bouts
St Johannes - St Christophorus
Approx age 1930s - 1950s

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Some old postcards from France

Blois - Le Chateau

Le Porc Epic
Blois - Le Chateau

Postcard from the Louvre
L'Annonciation aux Bergers

La Cathedral

Vue prise du Mont Boron - Entree du Port

Maison aux Faiences (XVI siecle)

Postcard from Troyes
Le Jube de l'Eglise de la Madeleine
Rood-loft of the Magdalen Church

A few from the sunny United States

Glamor train in path of runaway train
Postcard from Universal City Studios
California, 1976

Will Rogers State Park
Beverly Hills, California 1981

Hurd Beeswax Candles
3020 St Helena Highway North, CA
approx 1970s

Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada 1993

Does anyone recognise this Church?

Carte Postale
An old postcard of what looks like a Church
Nothing to say where it is, at a guess I would put approx
date at 1900-1920

Multi View Postcard from 1954 of Hereford

A Salmon Camercolour Postcard of

Carr Bank Park, Mansfield
Posted 4th September 1968

Ben Nevis from Inverlochy Castle
near Fort William
Posted 15th September 1969

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Some Bright Postcards from USA

The Names Project Quilt
Inaugural Display, 11th October 1987
Photograph by Tom Alleman
Posted May 1993 from Pittsburg

Maritime Museum, Connecticut

Mission Bay, San Diego
Posted Salinas, CA 1990

Classic Victorian Houses in San Francisco

Some more great views from USA

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona 1981

The Collector's Series by Silberne
'Distinctive prints for framing'
The Jefferson Memorial 1981

'Pail and Shovel'
Cape Cod 1985
Great Sandy Beach and Blue Sea

Yosemite Falls 1981
'Total drop between upper falls to valley floor - 2,565 feet'

Postcard from Waikiki
Posted Honolulu 18th May 1986

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

More Postcards from the USA 1970s/80s

Security Council Chamber
United Nations
New York, 1978

Sather Gate
Univeristy of California
Posted Berkley 26th August 1970

Postcard of Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Valerie Jean Date Shop
Thermal, California
Posted 1981

Great Postcard from Golden Gate Hotel & Casino
approx 1970s

Monday, 20 October 2008

Postcards from USA

Great Postcard of the Big Apple

Brooklyn Bridge, New York City
Posted White Plains, NY 1970

Central Park, New York City

New York City
Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty and the Twin Towers

This is one for my friend Jeff
The Bixby Bridge, California

Some old postcards from Europe

Toulouse, La Ville Rose
France 1940s/50s

Beauvais - La Cathedral
Portail sud et Tour du Palais de Justice - L.P
France approx 1940s/50s

Aversa - Via A Diaz Italy 1950s
Beautiful empty street

Imola - Viale A Costa, Italy
approx 1950s